
International Day Of The Girl Child

Girl Child – A blessing

A girl child has been a subject of discrimination in India since ages, even today, girls are treated as a burden and are given less importance when compared to boys with several restrictions and less opportunities to grow in life. Moreover, it is a matter of great shame that female infanticide is still prevalent and among all countries, India stood at 192nd rank in 2018 with a dismal sex ratio of 106.98, which means there were only 93.47 females for every 100 males. Furthermore, according to an article, about 400,000 sex-selective abortions have taken place annually in India in recent years!

Global scenario

While gender inequality or gender discrimination is seen at a higher rate in India, the phenomenon is prevalent in many other countries as well. Women in many other countries are fighting for the right to vote, to wear clothes of their choice, to drive a car among other small things for themselves. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and trafficking are some of the horrific practices highly prevalent in certain parts of Africa, Latin America, Asia, and eastern Europe. To add to it, gender-based violence and honor killings are common in many countries and women and girls fail to get even minimum protection against these horrific practices.

Know the importance of girl child

Adolescence is an important period in the life of a girl as it determines their trajectory for future. During these critical formative years and as women of future, they have the right to safe, educated and healthy life. Right support and key investments during this time sets them on a path towards empowerment, while on the other hand, discrimination, recurrent constraints and violence can spiral down their growth chart not just for themselves, but for societies and future generations. Girl empowerment benefits the society at large as empowered girls grow into empowered women who can care better for themselves and their families. Nevertheless, empowered girls have an increased earning potential and serve as equal citizens which can spur economic growth for communities and nations.

International Day of the Girl Child was declared by the United Nations General Assembly as a day to recognize the rights of girls and the unique challenges faced by them around the world. The day focuses attention to the challenges faced by girls and to promote girls’ empowerment and the fulfilment of their human rights.

Empowerment of girl child by giving them a safe and proper childhood with adequate rights promises a more equitable and prosperous future. It is an investment in right direction, in

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